Tuesday, March 10, 2009

STILL waiting!

I am seriously going insane. We were supposed to have the results for Gordon's rotations by Feb 23. We STILL don't have them (over two weeks later)! We're never going to find out where we're headed.
Friday is my last day of work. What's crazy about that is I have work today, but Wednesday is my normal day off and I took Thursday off because Gordon has some tests. So I only have two more days of work. Weird...
We're looking forward to our trip to Utah on Friday (or Saturday, weather depending).


The Highland Hill's said...

It's so exciting to quit a job... :) Terrible that they are holding out on you guys...they should at least give some type of reason why they are postponing... I think its b/c Gordon has done so well...they are probably going to send him straight away to own 50 pharmacy's by himself...

Utah is a fun trip...hopefully there's time in there for a quick visit to our place...

And Miranda is walking or at least standing? That's awesome...who's the girl in the video? Friend family?

Have a great week...

Matt and Beth said...

Thank Christi! Lol, that video made my day!!! Miranda is just too cute.

Anonymous said...

Miranda is so cute! Have you found out where you are going yet? We might end up in UT for a week or two in October. We're hoping to adopt a cute little 3 year old boy next week and if everything goes through it'll finalize in Oct. We'll see!
have fun!