Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Are you my Daddy?

We having fun at Grandma and Papa's house. Miranda is handling the new people really well. She was reserved the first day, but has warmed up since then. She seems to like playing with Ashlynn. Those two are cute together. We saw Lizzy last night too. She is so grown up! Lizzy and Miranda are almost the same size, but Lizzy just looks so grown up. She has lots of teeth and hair and is walking already. It's so cute!

Aunt Ginger did Miranda's hair for the first time yesterday. It was adorable! I will load some pictures as soon as I have them on the computer. I tried to do it this morning (after her bath), but I couldn't even get the elastic to go around twice. Those things don't stretch at all. I'll have to watch Aunt Ginger do it.

Daddy should be here tomorrow. We're excited to see him. Miranda keeps asking for him, "Dada? Dada?" It's sad. She misses her daddy.


The Highland Hill's said...

its even more sad when she stops asking for her daddy b/c he's been gone for over a week...it will be hard when he is on rotations...

i'm sure you're family is glad to have you back in Utah...isn't the weather great here...

fiesty sita said...

you could have grandpa hardy be the temporary daddy. :)