Saturday, December 20, 2008
One, Two, Buckle My Shoe...
I forgot to post that Gordon passed all his classes. There was one class he was worried about failing (anything below a 70% is failing in Pharmacy school). He did so well on the final that he raised his grade to a B. HAHA It was great! He only has one more semester of classroom study left and then he'll be out on rotations. It's crazy that we're getting this close to being finished. I'm not looking forward to the year apart when he's on rotations, though. Good thing I'll be in Utah so I can see family and friends. That'll help... but it's still not the same. I'll miss my Precious.
We went to Cheyenne to help Julie move today. Unfortunately we didn't get there until 10:00 and they had almost everything done already! Sorry, Julie. Her new place looks nice. I hope she gets along better with this roommate. Her last one didn't have quite the same moral qualities as she did.
While we were in Cheyenne we decided to get me some new shoes. I've been wearing this pair for about 10 years. The insides are worn all the way to the soles and they are backless... not a good pair of shoes for Laramie in the winter. Let's just say my feet have been cold for months.
Miranda isn't walking yet, but she is spending a lot more time up on her feet. We couldn't even get her to put weight on them before. Even the doctor tried and she would just lift up her legs into a sitting position in the air. It's funny. She still does it sometimes, but now she'll at least get up on her feet. We think she'll do the same thing she did with crawling. One day she'll decide she wants to and just start doing it perfectly... It's weird. She could do it all along but just didn't want to, and then BLAM!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Christmas Break
I just found out that my 10 year class reunion has set their date. May 29th! Yikes! That just cut off 3 months from what we thought it was going to be. It was originally going to be late summer/early fall. I hope we're moved by then. Gordon will be out of school, but will we have our apartment? I hope so! I have been looking forward to going, but now I'm nervous. Timber just told me that she probably can't make it since they moved it up. And April has already told me she isn't coming. I don't think I'll know anyone! Shame on me for not being more active in highschool and making friends! Arg! I think I'll still go... I guess I will as long as Gordon isn't on rotations yet. I don't wanna go COMPLETELY by myself since I won't know anyone there.
Well, I gotta get going. I have to take advantage of Miranda's nap time before it's over.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Are you my Daddy?
We having fun at Grandma and Papa's house. Miranda is handling the new people really well. She was reserved the first day, but has warmed up since then. She seems to like playing with Ashlynn. Those two are cute together. We saw Lizzy last night too. She is so grown up! Lizzy and Miranda are almost the same size, but Lizzy just looks so grown up. She has lots of teeth and hair and is walking already. It's so cute!
Aunt Ginger did Miranda's hair for the first time yesterday. It was adorable! I will load some pictures as soon as I have them on the computer. I tried to do it this morning (after her bath), but I couldn't even get the elastic to go around twice. Those things don't stretch at all. I'll have to watch Aunt Ginger do it.
Daddy should be here tomorrow. We're excited to see him. Miranda keeps asking for him, "Dada? Dada?" It's sad. She misses her daddy.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
That's ME!
I had to post this video of Miranda. She is looking in a mirror and at the end she points at the mirror and then herself. She does that when she knows something is her (reflections, pictures, etc). It's so cute! It is kinda low quality, but I took it with my cell phone. =)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Candy and Cake
Here is a picture of Gordon, me and Miranda dressed as (young) Snape, Lily and the Golden Snitch. She wasn't thrilled about her costume. She felt like the little kid in A Christmas Story. She could barely move because it was so fluffy... poor thing. She didn't complain when she got to eat the candy though, figures!
And here's Miranda on her first birthday. Unhappy, yet again! HAHA She didn't like the cupcake because the frosting was sticking to her fingers. She wouldn't touch (or eat) it after that.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Birthday, Buck and a Baby
Hey, this is kind of funny. This is the story of what happened when Danny and Ginger had their baby. It's cute! I love watching it... I can see some of my family... =)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hardy Family Pictures
Ok, so I'm not posting every day, but it's better than before... right? How do people think of stuff to write everyday? I guess we're just boring. Gordon has another big test next Monday. He is stressing, big time! He's already told me that he will be spending the entire weekend at school so he can get some "quality" study time. I even have Monday off work so he can study more. HAHA But, we are here for his schooling, not my work... so it's worth it.
We had some pictures taken with the Hardy family this last weekend. It was fun to get everyone together.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hardy Family Fun
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
10 years lost, 30 lbs found...
It has come to my attention that I am terrible at keeping up with the blog... Uh... didn't see that one coming! HAHA
Miranda is continuing to grow like a weed. She is almost 11 months old. Where did the time go?? Gordon and I have been busy with work and school. Gordon had two tests this week. He was really stressed about them because each was worth 1/3 of the class grade. That was fun. I've been going crazy at work. Things there have gotten a little better. We're starting to catch up (and that means were only a week behind instead of 2... j/k). Part of me can't wait until I'm a stay home mom, but I don't know how I will really handle it. I think I will get bored/depressed when I'm home all day. Don't get me wrong, I love Miranda! But sometimes you need to see friends and other adults.
I've just found out that we're having a 10 year class reunion next summer. I've offered to help put it together. I'm actually really excited, even though Gordon's didn't seem all that great. I wonder if ours will be like that. There wasn't much of a turn out at his, and the open bar just made all the non-drinkers pay for the drinkers' tabs. That kinda sucked. I'm hoping since it's in Utah that the open bar thing won't even be an issue. I guess I better start hitting the gym so I can feel good about myself for the reunion. I had a goal set to lose 15 lbs and I'm down 12 already. Only 3 more to go and then I've made my first goal. That feels good. It's been a long time since the scale has gone THAT direction. HAHA!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Here in Crazy Town!
Ok, so I'm seriously slacking in the blogging area. I knew I would! I'm only posting because Beth asked for my blogging address... I have been SUPER slammed at work! In the last two weeks I earned 90 hours of comp/overtime. It would be great if I could use it, but I think in the end I'll just get paid out. That's alright too! LOL We'll probably be able to use that money to get me back to Utah next Summer.
Mirand is a monster! Well, in size anyway. She is HUGE. I can't believe how fast she is going. She has been wearing 12 month clothes since she was 9 months old! She is a good girl, though. I have to say that Gordon and I lucked out. And we know it! Good thing too, because Daddy has to baby sit while I'm at work. :) We still haven't moved her out of our room. We have her in her own crib, but it's next to our bed. HAHA That'll be nice when we clean up a space in the office to move her in here.
Anyway, I have to get back to work while she is taking a nap. Here are some pictures to look at.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Fullmetal ADDICTION!!
There's not much new going on in Laramie. Gordon is in his last week of a three week class. It has been crammed, but not hard. Good thing too! Because I've been leaving him with Miranda A LOT! I've been stuck at work for hours and hours after close everyday. We are SUPER busy. It's driving me crazy! Anyway, Gordon said I should make a post about my new obsession, so I decided to!
A friend of ours let us borrow this japanimation series called Fullmetal Alchemist. At first I thought it was just kinda cute, but now I'm hooked. There are only two seasons and a movie (and I've already seen them ALL), but apparently it is still an ongoing comic in Japan. I told Gordon I will learn Japanese just to read more! LOL It really is a cute story.
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Edward and Alphonse Elric are brothers living in the village of Resembool in the country of Amestris. Their father Hohenheim left home when Edward and Alphonse were still very young. Years later, their mother, Trisha Elric, dies of a terminal illness. After their mother's death, Edward becomes determined to bring her back through the use of alchemy. However, this attempt failed, ultimately resulting in the loss of Edward's left leg and Alphonse's entire body. In a desperate effort to save his brother, Edward sacrifices his right arm to affix his brother's soul to a suit of armor. After that, Edward's left leg and right arm are fitted with two sets of automail, a type of advanced prosthetic limb.
Edward sets out to become a State Alchemist, enabling him to use the resources available to State Alchemists to discover a way to restore what he and Alphonse had lost. The brothers eventually learn of the Philosopher's Stone and set off in search of it as a means to restore their bodies. Along the way they discover secrets about the Philosopher's Stone they never wanted to know, and find others who seek it as well, doing almost whatever they can to get their hands on it.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
When will this week end?
Things have been super busy around here. Gordon is trying to study for his finals, but Miranda is being a monster and making it impossible for him to do so while he is babysitting. I have been trying to only work my 20 hours, but my boss quit last week so I have to do 80 hours of work in 20 hours time (my job is supposed to be 40 hours but they are letting me do part time as long as I can keep up). Because of this I have been putting in extra time (NOT because I really want to, but I need to) and this is cutting into Gordon's study time even more. Poor Gordon, he already has major test anxiety... now lets take away 30 hours a week of study time...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I don't know how people keep up with these things. I don't seem to have any time and I only have one kid and work part time. This is insane. I thought I should at least say that things are going well here. The weather is starting to warm up (some days). Finals are in a couple weeks so Gordon has to start studying even more... I won't know who he is soon! I'm not looking forward to tomorrow. Miranda has another check up and she needs more shots. I hate being the bad guy. I told Gordon that I'm scheduling the next appointment for when I have work. HAHA.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
On the road again
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What did Mommy call me???
Saturday, February 16, 2008
My Little Piggy
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Yesterday was a little out of the norm... Chris is here in Laramie. His work sent him to be a part of the job fair at the University. He stayed the night with us so he wouldn't have to come up twice. It has been nice to have him here. We all went to dinner last night and Miranda was surprisingly good! She loved her uncle Chris. =)
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
5:00 AM but what choice do I have?
Wow, I actually made it back for a second time! haha. It's way too early for civilized activities, but Miranda was hungry, so what can you do? Things around here have been going pretty good. Miranda is getting better at sleeping through the night (tonight is not a good example). She'll sometimes go 5-6 hours! ...sometimes...
Work has been going good for me. I actually like being back there. It's fun to see all my friends again and get out of the house for a little bit. I do miss Miranda the whole time I'm gone though. I also worry for Gordon. She hasn't been letting him study very much. We have to be careful because we don't want his grades to suffer.
Miranda has been getting SO big!! She laughed for the first time January 25th. It was so cute!! It lasted a few minutes but we only got the last 2 chuckles on the camcorder. She hasn't really done it since, although I think I've seen her starting to do it more when she is just falling asleep. She is also starting to "talk" a lot. She loves to smile and mouth conversations with us. She is starting to make all kinds of noises when she "talks."
Well, she is almost done eating so I better finish up and try to get that last half hour of sleep before it's time for work...
Monday, January 21, 2008
Giving this a try...
Miranda was born 11/06/07 at 5:53 P.M. She is getting so big now. She'll be 11 weeks old tomorrow. Gordon and I are still adjusting to life with the little one. She makes EVERYTHING so much more complicated!! I start work again tomorrow and Gordon will watch her while I'm there. We're worried about how that will affect his studying... hopefully all goes well.
This weekend we helped Brian, Crystal and Julie move. Well, actually Gordon helped them move. I didn't even make it there until after 5 P.M. We're excited to have Julie back in Cheyenne. I know she'll be as busy as Gordon with the schoolwork, but I hope we can get together sometimes. Brian applied to the medical school here (actually it's Washington but they do the first year in Laramie). We hope he gets in so they can move here. It would be fun to have them that close, even if it is for such a short time.